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Onze top 3 kruiden voor het immuunsysteem

Our top 3 herbs for the immune system

They go hand in hand: winter and viruses. Fortunately, your body has an impressive system that can protect you: the immune system. In our assortment you will find many herbs that have a supporting effect on this. Don't know where to start? We are happy to help you on your way and explain our top 3 herbs below: Echinacea, Scots Pine and Spilanthes.

Echinacea and your immune system

Echinacea (Echinacea Purpurea L.), also known as purple coneflower, is now cultivated all over the world. This flower originates from North America. There, Indian tribes used it for snake, dog and insect bites. The root was also chewed to stimulate the immune system and because of its soothing effect on the throat. The stimulating effect on the immune system was adopted by the first colonists and in 1871 the first Echinacea product came onto the commercial market. Many studies and scientific reports followed and today you can still find Echinacea in our own pharmacy cabinets. Not surprising, because this plant is a so-called 'immunomodulator' and actually contributes to the proper functioning of our immune system**. In addition, it can have a supplementary effect on recurring infections of the upper respiratory tract**, provide relief for an irritated or tickly throat** and contribute to maintaining the health of the urinary tract**.

Scots Pine and the Airways

The Grove Den (Pinus Sylvestris L.) is native to Northern, Eastern and Central Europe, Western Asia, Scotland and Spain. In various cultures and countries this tree is also used medicinally. Hippocrates recommended the resin, needles and buds because it would be good for the respiratory tract and for maintaining supple joints. Hildegard of Bingen also considered the Scots pine to be very useful for humans.  Today, the Scots Pine is still used, among other things, because of its beneficial effect on the throat and blocked airways**. It is said to help you breathe more freely**. The plant owes this effect mainly to its essential oil and resins. This herb can also be combined well with Echinacea.

Spilanthes and its effect on microorganisms

Spilanthes (Spilanthes Oleracea Jacq.) is also called ABC herb or champagne leaf. It is native to Africa and South America and for that reason can sometimes work better for people from these regions than Echinacea. Peoples from both continents are said to have independently discovered the beneficial effects on the teeth and it is said to be good for the urinary tract. It has a strong, pungent taste. Like Echinacea, this herb can support the immune system. In addition, antimicrobial and antiseptic effects are also attributed to the plant. These are said to be mainly due to the alkaloid substance spilanthol. In addition to Echinacea, this herb is also a nice addition to your medicine cabinet in our opinion. In fact, Spilanthes and Echinacea can strengthen each other's effects and can be combined well to support the immune system.

What else can you do?

Also take a look at our, for example Black Elderberry Tincture or Solstice Complex. Of course, your immune system needs much more to function properly. Your entire lifestyle has an effect on this. In addition to supporting with herbs, also think about your diet, sufficient rest, sleep and exercise, hygiene and support your body when necessary with vitamins and minerals that the immune system needs. Think of vitamin D, vitamin C or zinc.

**Health claims pending European approval

Source: Great Handbook of Medicinal Plants, Dr. Geert Verhelst, 11and Busy

Annelies Hendriks

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