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Many aid Zeolite: Super natural support for your intestines

Our intestines play a crucial role in filtering everything that enters through our mouth: nutrients must be prepared and absorbed and harmful substances must find their way to the large intestine as quickly as possible. If the intestines are overloaded, this task will be performed less well. It starts to rumble in the intestines and harmful substances can now see to break through the defensive wall. This is how heavy metals can enter the body and cause symptoms such as fatigue and headaches. By working with a product such as ZeolietMED, you support the detoxification processes of the body* by, among other things, removing heavy metals and toxins*. This can create a chain reaction of benefits:

  • Supports digestion*
  • Supports the immune system*
  • Contributes to general vitality and energy*

Zeolite – an ancient wonder drug

Zeolite was already revered in ancient times and is increasingly being put in the spotlight in our current era. This originally volcanic rock contains a special structure that is useful for a number of applications. How does that work exactly and what can you use it for?

From volcanic rock to natural zeolite

Zeolite is a mineral that is mined worldwide. It is formed when volcanic rock and ash is in contact with seawater or other alkaline waters for many years. This contact leads to the development of zeolite: a porous rock with an impressive crystal structure. In natural form there are about 40 to 45 different types. Common types are clinoptilolite, mordenite, heulandite and chabazite. Finely ground clinoptilolite is the form we use in our products. Green Vitality to offer: ZeoliteMED and Zeolite Premium.

Zeolite in ancient times

The power of zeolite has been noted for centuries. The indigenous cultures of North America would see it as a gift from the gods to purify the water. Researchers suspect that the Mayans in Tikal imported minerals quartz and zeolite to filter harmful substances from their drinking water. In ancient Asia, especially in China and India, this rock was seen as the 'stone of life'. It was said to improve soil quality and thus stimulate crop growth. The Romans also saw its value. They processed it into cement and built impressive works with it. Later in 1756, zeolite also gained more attention in the West. There, the name 'zeolite' arose after the Swedish mineralogist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt discovered that this type of mineral foams and dances when heated.

Magical structure

The crystal structure is made up of silicon-, aluminum- and oxygen atoms. These provide a 'cage' structure and give the stone not only its porous appearance, but also its strength. The 'cages' consist of cavities and channels that attract and retain negative particles. The dimensions, shape and degree of straightness differ per zeolite type. The properties are therefore different. Where one type with smaller channels can serve as a molecular sieve for separating hydrogen from nitrogen, for example, the zeolite with somewhat larger channels is suitable for separating other substances.

A versatile miracle cure

This treasure from nature is also appreciated in the modern West. It is also called called 'miracle cure'. Zeolite is the catalyst in converting crude oil to fuel and can help with current (environmental) problems. Various studies have shown that zeolite can contribute to the purification of water, vitalizing the soil and the filter of our airZeolite is also said to have these vitalizing and purifying powers on our body and this is used in various to research then also tested. Often more research is needed to determine exact effects.

Zeolite and the body

Not every form of zeolite is applicable to our body. For example, it must be a pure form that is sufficiently finely ground. A common grain size is, for example, 20 – 30 micrometers. This can be micronized zeolite call. It is also recommended to only work with the type 'clinoptilolite'. Do you want to use zeolite internally? According to European legislation, this is only allowed if it is of the clinoptilolite type and if the product in question is certified as a medical device. This is the case with ZeoliteMED from Green VitalityHowever, this does not mean that clinoptilolite zeolites without certification, such as the Zeolite Premium product, are necessarily less pure.

How does ZeoliteMED work for you?

The certified product ZeoliteMED consists entirely of one component, namely clinoptilolite zeolite. The purpose of this product is to clean the intestines, without burdening the digestion. Clinoptilolite zeolite does this by working like a sponge. In addition to water, this 'sponge' also binds toxic and harmful (organic) substances and heavy metals. The total of ingested harmful substances including zeolite itself then leaves the body via the large intestine. Zeolite is therefore not absorbed by the body.

When to choose Zeolite Premium

Externally you may also use non-certified Zeolite and you can also opt for the product Zeolite Premium. This product consists entirely of clinoptilolite zeolite and has no other additives. When can you apply it externally? For example, when you have an open wound. A small amount of zeolite not only helps to absorb waste products, but also stimulates the growth of a protective crust. In addition, zeolite, when mixed with water to form a paste, can be effective in treating skin problems such as eczema and skin allergies. You can also add it to a bath. It is said to soften the skin and provide support in removing waste products.

Why not give your intestines some Zeolite? For you as a reader of this blog, this week 10% discount with the discount code GV action zeolite

Green Vitality is happy to help you support a vital and energetic life.

Annelies Hendriks

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