Lyme disease - Wolf Dieter Storl
Product description
This book is in Dutch.
Lyme disease can be cured! There is no reason to be afraid. After intensive research, ethnobotanist Wolf-Dieter Storl - himself a Lyme patient - comes to this conclusion. Lyme disease, which is transmitted by a tick bite, can affect all bodily functions and every organ and is accompanied by a multitude of symptoms. The pathogenic bacteria are not attacked by the immune system and antibiotics do not help either. However, possible solutions can be found in traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy and Western herbal medicine, the author determined on the basis of research. He was able to apply them successfully to himself. Central to this are the Teasel and fever therapy. Storl's approach offers the chance to recover completely from this 'new common disease'.
Wolf-Dieter Storl is a German anthropologist and herbalist. He has written extensively about herbs, healing methods and the spirituality of traditional peoples. His knowledge and experience with Lyme disease, from which he himself suffered and which he, after a critical search through many alternative therapies, managed to cure without antibiotics, he wrote down in his book 'Lyme Disease'.
Translation: Willem Jacobs (see our books written by Willem Jacobs)
ISBN 9789020206630
paperback / 1st edition 2012 / 280 pages