Blossom remedy Protection
Flower remedies
Not available
Product Description Flower Remedy Protection
Flower remedy Protection is a combination remedy of Wild Bertram, Stinking Gouwe, Touch Me Not and Rue to protect oneself. Helps to stay more at oneself in negative situations; with tension; when you are being drained and in case of a negative environment. Gives a protective cloak of white light.
When you are not aware that you are taking on negative emotions and negative energies from others and from your environment, the 'Protection' makes you aware of this.
This process of awareness is not always an easy process because the problem can still be connected to old stored emotions from the past. By clearing and changing these, the own power can be fully restored and the own protection can function properly again.
This product information cannot replace the advice of a doctor or therapist. Always consult your doctor or therapist if you are taking medication. This product is not a registered medicine but a food supplement. A food supplement may not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.